Terrestrial Planets

  1. 3. Mars has Polar ice caps, two ______, and has the moon Olympus has the largest volcano.
  2. 4. It’s atmosphere is made of Oxygen, CO2, and Nitrogen.
  3. 6. The ______ of Mars has volcanoes, lave craters, and rocks.
  4. 10. Has little to no atmosphere, and it’s made up of H, He, O2.
  5. 11. ______________ surface has craters, volcanoes, magma, 465 degrees, has highlands, and has plains.
  6. 15. Earth’s surface is divided into __________.
  7. 16. Venus atmosphere is ___________, has sulphuric acid, and has CO2
  8. 17. The planet’s rotation takes 24 hours and 37 minutes.
  9. 18. Mercury has an iron molten ___________.
  10. 20. Jupiter has _______ temperatures at 184c - 427c.
  11. 21. Venus’ rotation is __________ days smaller than Earth’s rotation.
  1. 1. Mercury is the ________ planet to the sun.
  2. 2. Mercury has a thin _________, 300 to 400m, and is covered in craters.
  3. 5. Mar’s revolution is 1.88 ___________.
  4. 7. Earth’s ________ takes 23 hours and 56 minutes.
  5. 8. Mar’s _________ is 100x thinner than Earth’s _________.
  6. 9. Mercury’s rotation around the ________ takes 58 days and 55 hours to complete.
  7. 12. Earth has 5-30 million _________ in its atmosphere and it’s surface.
  8. 13. The surface of Mars is blue because of the ____________, dust storms, and valleys.
  9. 14. Mercury’s _______ takes 88 days to complete.
  10. 18. Mar’s atmosphere is mostly made up of _______ and has iron minerals in it.
  11. 19. Earth’s _______/revolution is 365.3 days.
  12. 22. Earth’s revolution is ____ days slower than Venus.