Terrific Thursday Crossword Puzzle: Groundhog Day

  1. 3. A baby groundhog is called a ___________
  2. 6. Groundhogs are ___________
  3. 8. If the groundhog sees his shadow, there will be _______ more weeks of winter
  4. 9. Groundhogs are only found in _____________ (two words)
  5. 11. The most famous Groundhog Day celebration takes place in Punxsutawney, _________(name of state)
  1. 1. Groundhogs are part of the __________ family
  2. 2. Groundhogs like to dig _________________
  3. 4. Name of the most famous groundhog
  4. 5. Groundhogs _________ in Winter
  5. 7. Groundhog Day falls on February 2nd, which is the ________ between Winter and Spring
  6. 10. Another name for groundhog