Joyride, an IBTTA crossword puzzle (created by Terri Lankford)

  1. 2. IBTTA's newest data gathering tool
  2. 5. Newest IBTTA Group Member, eh?
  3. 6. Set of designers of IBTTA's event content
  4. 7. IBTTA blog
  5. 8. "I drive this way, therefore I pay" model
  6. 12. Legendary IBTTA finance boss
  7. 16. Donation-funded for transportation students
  8. 19. All-purpose surface for IBTTA staff
  9. 20. Gannon's alumni learned here
  10. 23. Federal highway funding Act, for short
  11. 24. Fremier's 2023 theme
  12. 25. Rush hour alternative to congestion
  13. 26. Where we drink coffee and talk about things that are interesting, relevant, uplifting and fun
  14. 31. Seddi's 2022 WIT Honor
  15. 32. European toll operator
  16. 39. At least three required to ride here
  17. 42. How IBTTA volunteers give back
  18. 43. IBTTA female fellowship
  19. 45. Jersey's Commish
  20. 46. "Brought to you by" their generous financial support
  1. 1. IBTTA's first Black prez
  2. 3. IBTTA's best in toll industry award name
  3. 4. Where Pat Jones will see you
  4. 5. BOD winter getaway
  5. 9. Alliterative combo for a tolling project
  6. 10. IBTTA tool for digging data
  7. 11. Almost like Oprah's discussion group
  8. 13. Self-organized, free-flowing meeting format
  9. 14. Transportation system
  10. 15. The acronym, s'il vous plaît: Association Européenne des Concessionnaires d’Autoroutes et d’ouvrages à Péage
  11. 17. Buddy's nickname
  12. 18. The D in DEI, with 35 down and 44 down
  13. 21. PJ's interagency group
  14. 22. VMT's ticket to ride
  15. 27. IBTTA's charitable arm
  16. 28. Platinum party name at the Annual Meeting
  17. 29. Exhibitors love this by foot... Drivers, not so much
  18. 30. Never before seen attendee
  19. 33. Short for Mobility as a Service
  20. 34. Under 40ish backyard fundraisers
  21. 35. The E in DEI, with 18 down and 44 down
  22. 36. Ed Barry or Tawyna Freund in Seattle
  23. 37. It's currently 18.4 cents per gallon
  24. 38. Unicorn Honorary Member on current Board
  25. 40. Our Greek Gyro (I mean, "Hero")
  26. 41. Reps whose Orgs support at $40k
  27. 44. The I in DEI, with 18 down and 35 down