- 2. IBTTA's newest data gathering tool
- 5. Newest IBTTA Group Member, eh?
- 6. Set of designers of IBTTA's event content
- 7. IBTTA blog
- 8. "I drive this way, therefore I pay" model
- 12. Legendary IBTTA finance boss
- 16. Donation-funded for transportation students
- 19. All-purpose surface for IBTTA staff
- 20. Gannon's alumni learned here
- 23. Federal highway funding Act, for short
- 24. Fremier's 2023 theme
- 25. Rush hour alternative to congestion
- 26. Where we drink coffee and talk about things that are interesting, relevant, uplifting and fun
- 31. Seddi's 2022 WIT Honor
- 32. European toll operator
- 39. At least three required to ride here
- 42. How IBTTA volunteers give back
- 43. IBTTA female fellowship
- 45. Jersey's Commish
- 46. "Brought to you by" their generous financial support
- 1. IBTTA's first Black prez
- 3. IBTTA's best in toll industry award name
- 4. Where Pat Jones will see you
- 5. BOD winter getaway
- 9. Alliterative combo for a tolling project
- 10. IBTTA tool for digging data
- 11. Almost like Oprah's discussion group
- 13. Self-organized, free-flowing meeting format
- 14. Transportation system
- 15. The acronym, s'il vous plaît: Association Européenne des Concessionnaires d’Autoroutes et d’ouvrages à Péage
- 17. Buddy's nickname
- 18. The D in DEI, with 35 down and 44 down
- 21. PJ's interagency group
- 22. VMT's ticket to ride
- 27. IBTTA's charitable arm
- 28. Platinum party name at the Annual Meeting
- 29. Exhibitors love this by foot... Drivers, not so much
- 30. Never before seen attendee
- 33. Short for Mobility as a Service
- 34. Under 40ish backyard fundraisers
- 35. The E in DEI, with 18 down and 44 down
- 36. Ed Barry or Tawyna Freund in Seattle
- 37. It's currently 18.4 cents per gallon
- 38. Unicorn Honorary Member on current Board
- 40. Our Greek Gyro (I mean, "Hero")
- 41. Reps whose Orgs support at $40k
- 44. The I in DEI, with 18 down and 35 down