Electronics Laboratory II Crossword

  1. 1. Responsible for converting human-readable code into binary for programing languages like MATLAB [compiler]
  2. 3. Electronic way of communicating with course instructor [email]
  3. 6. Required for returning to campus and protects against COVID-19 [vaccination]
  4. 7. Name which groups circuit parts such as resistors, capacitors, potentiometers, and more [component]
  5. 8. Mode in Multisim which can emulate real-life conditions of a generated circuit within the software [simulation]
  6. 12. One of the final sections within the laboratory report which includes any sources used within the report [references]
  7. 15. mode on the Analog Discovery for generating waveforms [wavegen]
  8. 16. A draft lab report that must always be completed and submitted before the start of the laboratory work being completed that day [pre-lab]
  9. 17. A network of electrical components and is typically created within the electronics laboratory [circuit]
  10. 18. Must be taken for every circuit constructed within the lab [photo]
  11. 19. A type of waveform which can be generated by a function generator (is smooth and periodic) [sinewave]
  12. 21. The sound which an instrument can make and can be enabled or disabled (the sound a DMM makes when performing a continuity check) [beep]
  13. 22. A data structure found within many programing languages including MATLAB [array]
  14. 25. Model for the function generator typically found within the electronics laboratory (manufactured by Tektronix) [afg1022]
  15. 28. A programing language used in lab for calculations, generating graphs and plots, and more [matlab]
  16. 29. part of national instruments and maker of the analog discovery kit [digilent]
  17. 30. Copying another student's work and submitting it as your own [plagiarism]
  18. 31. A manufacturer of laboratory equipment such as oscilloscopes (equipment type used within the lab) [tektronix]
  19. 32. Should be worn while using a soldering iron [glasses]
  20. 34. A synonym for hazard and is something which is avoided within the laboratory [danger]
  21. 36. A section within the laboratory report which details an overview of the completed lab [summary]
  22. 37. A component responsible for protecting a circuit from exceeding a set amount of current [fuse]
  23. 38. Is an option for controlling an instrument in the lab without the use of the front panel [remote]
  24. 40. This refers to the structure and formatting found within many programing language like MATLAB [syntax]
  25. 41. mode on the Analog Discovery for measuring waveforms [scope]
  26. 42. One of the final sections of the laboratory report which briefly describes the results of the completed lab [conclusion]
  27. 46. Helps to neatly organize collected measurements within a lab notebook and its associated report [table]
  28. 47. Type of cable which is typically used with function generators and oscilloscopes [bnc]
  1. 2. A document which describes and summarizes the laboratory completed at the time [report]
  2. 4. The opposite of AC and is a type of signal which can also be created on a function generator [dc]
  3. 5. Required and is taken at every laboratory meeting an during lectures [attendance]
  4. 9. Writing utensil required for writing within laboratory notebooks [pen]
  5. 10. Also not allowed within the electronics lab along with eating food [drinking]
  6. 11. The typical format used within laboratory reports for citing sources [ieee]
  7. 13. The number of channels found typically on power supplies and function generators [two]
  8. 14. Used to take measurements on an oscilloscope [cursors]
  9. 20. Prohibited within any laboratory environment and also isn't allowed with drinking in the lab [eating]
  10. 21. The online website used for grading and assignment submission [blackboard]
  11. 22. Can automatically adjust the waveform to clearly display it on the device's screen [autoset]
  12. 23. Software used for generating schematics [multisim]
  13. 24. The associated software for the analog discovery kit [waveforms]
  14. 25. An abbreviation for the Analog Discovery [adk]
  15. 26. An abbreviation for the company which makes equipment and software such as Multisim [ni]
  16. 27. Can be plotted using the MATLAB programing language [graphs]
  17. 31. Part of every oscilloscope and enables the measured waveform to be clearly displayed on the device's screen [trigger]
  18. 33. An image of the oscilloscope's captured waveform and can be moved to a USB storage device [screenshot]
  19. 35. Alternative (and shorter) format for laboratory reports [condensed]
  20. 39. The only operating system compatible with the software Multisim [windows]
  21. 43. Type of instruction sent to an instrument when controlling it remotely [command]
  22. 44. Required within every laboratory and helps to prevent any possible injury [safety]
  23. 45. The abbreviation typically used of the electrical and computer engineering department and their associated courses [eece]