TEST 2 - Medieval Europe

  1. 3. Poet who wrote Canterbury Tales
  2. 6. A title given to knights when a lord offers him
  3. 9. His Divine Comedy imagined the after life
  4. 10. attempts to push the Muslims out of Spain was known as this
  5. 12. Pope hosts this meeting to discuss banding together to fight the Muslims
  6. 16. governing body of representatives in England
  7. 18. Pope Leo ended this practice of buying/selling church offices
  8. 21. decorating ancient manuscripts with pictures or designs
  9. 22. belong to this association
  1. 1. a title given to knights when a lord offers him a fief
  2. 2. German organization that oversaw trade in northern Europe
  3. 4. wandering minstrels or singers who entertained and shared stories
  4. 5. An economic system around large estates that were set up in feudal times
  5. 7. When the skill level at a job became good enough to earn a wage – you might earn this title
  6. 8. Ruler who led Muslims to retake the city of Jerusalem
  7. 11. William the Conqueror established this to track information about English citizens for tax purposes
  8. 13. Led a victory for the Franks at the Battle of Tours
  9. 14. Lengthy stories of great heroes and events
  10. 15. It began because invasions occurred frequently
  11. 17. Thomas Aquinas established this school of thoughts that combined faith and reason
  12. 19. a shoemaker who wanted to ensure quality products
  13. 20. Architectural style in Europe during the Middle Ages