
  1. 2. How many national parks did they visit on their RV trip to Utah in 2021?
  2. 3. What is the name of their favorite ice cream place at Mimi’s?
  3. 7. What item did Charlie chip Kayla’s tooth with?
  4. 9. In which state are they visiting more national parks this fall?
  5. 13. What is an activity they often do with friends in Dayton?
  6. 14. What dorm did Charlie live in freshman year at Purdue?
  7. 15. What city in Wisconsin does Charlie go to every year for an air show?
  8. 16. What sport did Kayla do in high school?
  9. 20. What is their favorite sweet treat?
  10. 22. What is their favorite Dayton beer? Hint: YSB
  11. 23. What is the name of their new goddaughter?
  12. 25. What is the bride’s middle name?
  13. 26. What is the name of the apartment they live at together?
  14. 27. What sport did Charlie and Kayla play together? Hint: how Charlie tore his ACL
  1. 1. What position did Charlie play in high school soccer?
  2. 4. What is the name of the Christmas tree farm where Charlie proposed?
  3. 5. What is the name of Kayla’s uncle who officiated the ceremony?
  4. 6. What is Kayla’s favorite drink?
  5. 8. What summer camp did Charlie attend with his cousins growing up?
  6. 10. What is Charlie’s favorite drink?
  7. 11. What is the name of their favorite bar at Purdue?
  8. 12. What is the name of the golden doodle they always dog sit? Aka Beasley’s best friend
  9. 17. What is the name of the next national park they’re going to?
  10. 18. What is the last digit of the year they started dating?
  11. 19. What is the name of the national park where they hiked Angels Landing and The Narrows?
  12. 21. What is the groom’s middle name?
  13. 23. What is the last name of the couple that introduced Charlie and Kayla?
  14. 24. What was their dog Beasley’s original name at the shelter?