- 1. Fastest rapper ever
- 6. Very famous English playwright, known for his unique wording
- 7. Richest country on Earth by GDP per capita
- 8. Famous spy plane, used against the USSR
- 11. Smallest country in the world
- 14. Most populous country in the world
- 17. A ball that Americans throw and Brits kick
- 18. Big hot thing in the sky
- 20. Famous Treasurer that got his own musical
- 21. What the "R" in the DR of Congo stands for
- 25. Predecessor to Poland
- 26. Only country with a gun on their flag
- 27. Sock in Spanish
- 28. Most populous city in the world
- 29. Hello in Japanese
- 2. Best-selling video game ever
- 3. Casino game where the goal is to get to 21
- 4. Poorest country on Earth by GDP per capita
- 5. Person who was the USA's president longest
- 9. The fantasy animal on the Welsh and Bhutanese flags
- 10. First president of the USA
- 12. Nickname of the British Flag
- 13. Best Wizard spell in DnD
- 15. What happened in California from 1848-1855
- 16. Really long document that James Madison wrote
- 19. What the British would call the state Uncle Dave lives in
- 22. Largest country in the world
- 23. Movie about balloons attached to a house
- 24. Tallest US president ever