
  1. 3. "The Lord be with You"
  2. 6. "Holy, Holy, Holy"
  3. 7. Reading from one of the four
  4. 9. Presentation to the Father the offering of Jesus
  5. 10. "Lamb of God"
  6. 11. One of the hymns/poems used as a response to the first reading
  7. 14. "This is my body ... This is my blood"
  8. 15. Hebrew expression for "Praise the Lord"
  9. 16. "Lord have Mercy"
  10. 17. "Go Forth, the Mass is Ended"
  1. 1. "I believe"
  2. 2. "... as we celebrate the memorial of the saving Passion of your Son"
  3. 4. "... seated at the right hand of the Father"
  4. 5. "May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
  5. 8. Bible books where the second reading comes from
  6. 12. Calling down of the Holy Spirit upon the bread and wine
  7. 13. Explanation
  8. 14. "I confess ..."