Post-VBS Crossword

  1. 2. the type of person who Jesus healed on night 2
  2. 4. Jesus's Cousin who died shortly before the feeding the 5,000
  3. 7. For unto you is born this day in the city of _____
  4. 8. The destination of some of Jesus' disciples when He met two of them after His resurrection
  5. 10. A sense of happiness
  6. 11. Where Jesus told one of the thieves on the cross he would be, and where we will be with Him some day
  7. 13. What the Disciples put the leftover loaves and fish in
  8. 14. What did Jesus save us from?
  1. 1. one of the gifts for Jesus from the wise men
  2. 3. People we can easily bring to VBS
  3. 5. Another gift from the wise men
  4. 6. Something God is full of
  5. 9. Another name for the wise men
  6. 10. Who died and rose again for us?
  7. 12. Something that is part of this life due to sin