Test 4 (Notes)

  1. 1. unreactive gases found in Group VIIIA (18) of the periodic table.
  2. 3. the Group A (1, 2, 13-18) elements of the periodic table.
  3. 8. of protons.
  4. 10. every orbital in a sublevel is singly occupied (with same spin) before any orbital is double occupied.
  5. 13. (1911) discovered proton; gold foil experiment said atom mostly empty space with + center & random
  6. 15. elements that have properties of metals and nonmetals.
  7. 16. Group B (3-12) elements on the periodic table.
  8. 22. any metal in Group IA (1) of the periodic table.
  9. 24. (460 BC) first suggested the existence of the atom.
  10. 26. electronegativity values increase to the right and decrease as you go down the periodic
  11. 27. subatomic particle with no charge, a mass of 1 amu, and found in the nucleus; mass number is the sum of
  12. 28. any metal in Group IIA (2) of the periodic table.
  13. 30. property of metals that allows them to be hammered into a foil.
  14. 31. ionization energy values increase to the right and decrease as you go down the periodic table.
  15. 32. arrangement of elements in increasing atomic number with similar properties in same columns;
  16. 33. a horizontal row on the periodic table.
  17. 34. elements in the sixth period with atomic numbers 57-71 found above the actinides, located underneath the main body of the periodic table.
  18. 36. an orbital has a maximum of 2 electrons, with opposite spins.
  19. 37. size of atoms decrease to the right and increase as you go down the periodic table.
  1. 2. elements in the seventh period with atomic numbers 89-103 found below the lanthanides, located underneath the main body of the periodic table.
  2. 4. - shorthand notation of the arrangement of electrons in an atom according to increasing energy (spdf shapes: circle, figure 8, cloverleaf/and know where spdf blocks are on P Table)
  3. 5. element that tends to be a poor conductor of heat and electricity.
  4. 6. elements from Group VIIA (17) on the periodic table.
  5. 7. metal property that allows it to be drawn into a wire.
  6. 9. (1913) solar system atom where electrons traveled in orbits around nucleus.
  7. 11. negatively charged subatomic particle (with a mass of 1/1836 amu) that orbits the nucleus.
  8. 12. a positively charged subatomic particle with a mass of 1 amu, found in the nucleus; atomic number is the
  9. 14. vertical column on the periodic table whose elements have similar properties.
  10. 17. electrons occupy orbitals of lowest energy first.
  11. 18. (1897) discovered the electron; plum pudding model of atom.
  12. 19. (1926) electron cloud model of atom.
  13. 20. (1800) believed in atoms/atoms were solid spheres.
  14. 21. + neutrons.
  15. 23. elements that are ductile, malleable, shiny, and good conductors of heat and electricity.
  16. 25. (1932) discovered the neutron.
  17. 29. atoms of same element (same number of protons) but different atomic masses due to different number of
  18. 35. (384 BC) taught that all materials were not made of atoms but of the 4 elements: earth, fire, water, and air.