  1. 4. Work with everyone as digitalization is not bound by business units and functions
  2. 5. Digital innovation doesn’t happen overnight – this takes time and investments
  3. 9. Experience first hand on technologies such as machine-learning, virtual reality, natural language processing
  4. 11. The most innovate and digital F&B company - Nestle
  5. 13. Being consumer-centric by using technology to personalize products and engagement to customers
  6. 14. Increase my digital competencies so that I can share with the team in Treasury
  7. 15. Quote: Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower = Steve Jobs
  1. 1. Using technology to automate myself out of my job
  2. 2. Quote: Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity – not a threat = Steve Jobs
  3. 3. Create competitive gaps through data, artificial-intelligence, automation and predictive analytics – 2019 Nestle annual report
  4. 6. Applying technology in creative ways to create positive impact to business, environment, society
  5. 7. Quote: Longevity in this business is about be able to reinvent yourself or invent the future – Satya Nadella, CEO Microsoft
  6. 8. Connect more with the Nestle brand and products and see how to transform using technology
  7. 10. Focus is on using existing technology in novel ways
  8. 12. Unsatisfied with the current status and finding a more efficient way to do things