test BJC Unit 1 review

  1. 4. A _________ is a sequence of characters (letters, digits, punctuation, etc.).
  2. 5. An ___________ is the input value, such as 6 for a hexagonal pinwheel. The input value is given each time the block is run; it can be a different value each time.
  3. 7. A _______ is an ordered sequence of items.
  4. 8. An ____________ is a sequence of steps that are usually performed by a computer.
  5. 10. Computer scientists describe a repeating program structure as looping, repetition, or _________.
  6. 11. picture that can be "worn" by a sprite.
  7. 12. __________ is like an actor on the stage who knows how to do many different things, such as walk around the stage and speak the lines of the play.
  8. 13. The ________ is how much you can see what's behind it. For example, here is the Alonzo sprite shown with three different transparencies (which have been set using the ghost effect block).
  9. 15. The process of testing, finding problems, and fixing them is called ___________.
  10. 16. Personally identifiable information (______) is information that can let others figure out who you are and possibly get more information like your Social Security number, age, race, phone number(s), medical information, financial information, or biometric data (such as your thumbprint or face scan).
  1. 1. When a program keeps running forever, that's called an _________ loop.
  2. 2. To _____________ strings means to make a bigger string by connecting two or more smaller strings.
  3. 3. A _________ is the input name, such as number of branches. The input name is set in the block definition. It never changes.
  4. 4. A code __________ is a sequence of connected instructions that carry out a purposeful action, such as the one pictured on the left, which animates a conversation. The instructions in the code segment are carried out in order, from top to bottom.
  5. 6. An ___________ is a either a constant value (such as "4" or "winter") or a call to a reporter block
  6. 9. A _____________ is a named sequence of instructions that may take inputs and may report a value.
  7. 14. A ____________ is just a piece of some existing string.