Test One

  1. 2. growth
  2. 4. Bone Dense, hard layers of bone tissue that lie underneath the periosteum
  3. 9. Dust
  4. 10. Overgrowth of scar tissue
  5. 11. Stiff, bent
  6. 12. Outermost layer of the bone, made up of fibrous tissue
  7. 16. Marrow Thick, bloodline material found in flat bones and the ends of long bones; location of blood cell formation
  8. 17. Surgical fixation, fusion
  9. 21. Bone Contains little spaces like a sponge and is encased in the layers of compact bone
  10. 24. End of each long bone
  11. 25. Membranous lining of the hollow cavity of the bone
  12. 27. Abnormal condition of stiffness
  13. 28. Fluid secreted by the synovial membrane and found in joint cavities
  1. 1. Eating or swallowing
  2. 3. Split, fissure
  3. 5. Heel bone
  4. 6. Cartilage
  5. 7. Large socket in the pelvic bone for the head of the femur
  6. 8. Bent forward
  7. 13. Disk Cartilaginous pad found between the vertebrae in the spine
  8. 14. Marrow Material found in the cavities of the bones
  9. 15. Stone
  10. 18. Synovia, synovial membrane
  11. 19. Muscles Located in internal organs. Involuntary muscles because they respond to impulse from autonomic nerves
  12. 20. Incision into the vertebral column
  13. 22. Bone marrow
  14. 23. Marrow Soft, fatty material found in the medullary cavity of long bones
  15. 26. Shaft of the long bones