Test review crossword

  1. 5. Noah's...?
  2. 6. Were was Moses born
  3. 8. Issac's 2nd born
  4. 10. Abraham's first born
  5. 12. Paul the one who wrote the most letters
  6. 14. who wrote the bible
  7. 15. David and
  8. 17. testament stories of Jesus
  9. 18. Songs and poems in the bible
  10. 20. news What do you call the bible
  11. 22. Adams wife
  12. 23. First king of isreal
  13. 24. fruit of the tree
  14. 25. how many commandments
  1. 1. Abraham's wife
  2. 2. what is a covenant
  3. 3. First 5 books in the old testament
  4. 4. what language is the bible written in
  5. 7. Moral
  6. 9. were was Joseph born
  7. 11. Jesus mother
  8. 13. a coat
  9. 16. Jacob had children
  10. 19. Skinny cows
  11. 20. Fist book in the bible
  12. 21. testament First part of the bible
  13. 25. gospels first 4 books in the new testament