Test Taking Strategies

  1. 2. reduces anxiety by creating a mental image
  2. 4. anxiety during a test
  3. 7. anxiety days before a test
  4. 9. if you don't know the answer to a question what should you do
  5. 10. Fear of test, usually sweating, headaches, etc
  6. 13. If you are taking an essay test and don't know the answer you should the change the question to a
  7. 14. is something you should always study before a test
  1. 1. Putting off tasks to be completed
  2. 3. An internal dialogue amplifying fears
  3. 5. Before you start the test you should do waht to the entire test
  4. 6. Form of fear
  5. 8. Extra study time built into a schedule
  6. 11. how many times do you read directions before a test
  7. 12. Underline what types of words in directions and test