- 2. Movable flap of cartilage that covers the opening to the larynx
- 3. Organ that stores bile
- 7. Nourishes the embryo
- 9. Carries blood from arteries to veins
- 10. Listening to sounds within the body through a stethoscope
- 11. Cyanosis is a sign
- 12. Substance secreted by glands
- 13. The bones of the fingers and toes
- 15. Pregnancy outside the uterus
- 17. High BP, edema, proteinuria
- 19. Surgical removal of a thrombus
- 20. Muscular layer of the heart
- 1. Triangular area at base of bladder
- 4. Condition in which red blood cells do not transport enough oxygen to the cells
- 5. A groove or cracklike sore of the skin.
- 6. Breast exam
- 8. The surgical puncture of the abdominal cavity to remove fluid
- 13. Surrounding
- 14. Autoimmune disorder affecting blood vessels and connective tissue
- 16. The loss of a large amount of blood in a short time
- 18. Sound of atrium-ventricle valves opening and closing