Jacob's Puzzle

  1. 1. Preserved remains, impressions, or traces of any once-living thing from a past geological age.
  2. 2. Your butt is?
  3. 6. Always in the Fridge or Freezer.
  4. 7. “Not all those who wander are lost”.
  5. 11. What should always go on pizza?
  6. 12. Samuel L Jackson won’t fly with them.
  7. 14. A Nat King Cole Song.
  8. 15. The Boy Who Lived.
  9. 17. Our First Date.
  10. 19. “Be _______”.
  11. 21. The scientific name for Reptiles.
  12. 22. The best flavour of Jam.
  13. 23. A tailless amphibian with a short squat body, moist smooth skin, and very long hind legs for leaping.
  14. 24. The result of us crossing the road.
  15. 25. What we dance to in the shower.
  16. 26. What do I have trouble believing I am, but you remind me every day?
  1. 1. Emit wind from the anus.
  2. 2. The father of evolution.
  3. 3. New York Crime Comedy.
  4. 4. Name of a yearly event.
  5. 5. You are _______.
  6. 7. Mosquitoast’s favourite food.
  7. 8. When I laugh too much I _______.
  8. 9. How long have you put up with me?
  9. 10. Who says, “love me feed me never leave me”.
  10. 13. “My _______”.
  11. 15. Winnie the Pooh’s favourite food.
  12. 16. “That’s what she said”.
  13. 18. You are _______.
  14. 20. The study of the relationships among living organisms, including humans, and their physical environment.