Texas Agriculture

  1. 7. What you produce from the resource found in the East Texas Piney Woods.
  2. 8. A crop grown in all parts of Texas, and one of the first to ever be grown in Texas.
  3. 10. A nut tree grown in Central Texas, that became the Texas state tree.
  4. 11. A person who changes the brand on a cow and steals it
  5. 12. This crop is grown only in the Coastal Plains, because it must have a lot of wet soil.
  6. 13. Last name of "Jose de..." that was one of the first to establish ranching in Texas
  7. 15. A gas produced by cattle that is harmful to the environment.
  8. 16. Large ranch in North Texas that covered 10 counties.
  9. 17. Texas produces half of the world's of this product
  10. 19. Name of the most famous trail drive through Texas
  11. 21. Producing one hamburger results in hundreds of gallons of this being used
  12. 24. The country in Europe that brought the cattle industry to Texas
  13. 25. The part of Texas where most of the poultry (chickens) and eggs are produced (North, South, East, or West?)
  14. 27. What was in Kansas and Missouri and Nebraska that caused Texans to drive cattle there in the 1800s
  1. 1. The term used for the combination of animals and plants raised for profit
  2. 2. Cattle are taken to these after they have been fed on a feedlot for a year. Fort Worth was the biggest for these.
  3. 3. Wire What was put up on Texas land that helped to end the Trail Drives
  4. 4. Type of cow brought over to Texas by the Spaniards
  5. 5. The county in Texas where most cotton is grown
  6. 6. The region of Texas that produces the most of the state's vegetables
  7. 9. When you take water from a river and move it to crops.
  8. 14. Another word for food in Cowboy vocabulary
  9. 18. An animal raised in Central Texas. San Angelo is the center of its production.
  10. 20. Biggest fear of cowboys
  11. 22. A word for a Spanish or Mexican cowboy
  12. 23. Texas makes 20 _____ dollars from the cattle industry
  13. 26. Large ranch in SOUTH Texas, with a running w brand.