Texas Indians and Explorers

  1. 4. The Caddo used this method of farming to keep the soil rich with nutrients.
  2. 8. How the American Indians made their way to Texas.
  3. 10. Lived in dome-shaped huts.
  4. 11. Lived in Teepees.
  5. 12. Nomadic Indian group that lived in the Coastal Plains and used alligator grease or fat to fight mosquitos.
  6. 14. The Indians used this as a method to meet their needs and wants.
  7. 15. The lifestyle of the Caddo.
  8. 16. This legend drove Coronado to search the New World. Seven Cities of _______.
  9. 17. A small family group.
  10. 19. A fishing line that has several hooks.
  11. 20. Robert La Salle helped establish Fort ________ in Texas in 1685.
  1. 1. Lived in pueblos (adobe houses).
  2. 2. Many immigrant groups settled in Texas because large amounts of cheap land allowed them to make a living by ______
  3. 3. This explorer's expedition to Texas angered the rulers of Spain.
  4. 5. The Jumano lived in the dry desert and used this method of farming.
  5. 6. Spanish colonist struggled to survive and failed due to sickness and ______.
  6. 7. Hunted buffalo with a bow.
  7. 9. Another word for a journey of exploration.
  8. 13. Reasons for European exploration included looking for land, finding gold, and spreading ______.
  9. 18. Some groups grew this crop.