Texas Native Tribes

  1. 2. cone shaped shelters,easy to take down,also to carry.
  2. 4. water crops by bringing in water from man made canals
  3. 8. people/tribe that depend on hunting, fishing, or foraging in the wild
  4. 10. people/tribe that move around, follow their source of food; no permanent settlement
  1. 1. Small hut,easy to build,mobile tribes
  2. 3. people who are native to a particular place
  3. 5. the study of material remains such as graves, tools,and pottery from past human life & culture
  4. 6. multiple dwellings used by Indians in the Mountains and Basin region
  5. 7. means “before”; the time before human civilization
  6. 9. sun-dried brick made of clay and straw; common in places with little rainfall