Texas Republic and Statehood

  1. 5. Parts of the United States set aside for Native Americans.
  2. 7. a group of men on horseback that organized to enforce Texas' Native American policies.
  3. 8. the second President of the Republic of Texas.
  4. 11. independence
  5. 12. When Mexico gave up territory after the US/Mexican War.
  6. 13. the first President of the Republic of Texas.
  7. 14. official document that set the Texas/Mexico border at the Rio Grande.
  8. 16. to add or attach to something.
  9. 18. After annexation delegates met to create the state constitution of 1845.
  10. 19. the type of government where people vote for their leaders.
  1. 1. caused by the annexation of Texas - Mexico and the United States fight over the territory and border of Texas/Mexico.
  2. 2. The major city in a state, where government business happens.
  3. 3. the fight to end slavery.
  4. 4. The name for the newly independent country after the Texas Revolution.
  5. 6. When economic indicators (jobs, money, trade) in a country are unchanging.
  6. 9. plan for Texas government created 3 branches of government gave voting rights to white men over 21 only and allowed slavery.
  7. 10. The westward growth of the United States as it annexed new territories.
  8. 15. The United States buys a big piece of land from France and doubles the size of the United States.
  9. 17. the belief that America had a God-Given right to expand westward and claim territory all the way to the Pacific Ocean.