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  1. 5. conforming exactly to truth or to a standard
  2. 7. searching for insufficient information during a course or lecture
  3. 8. stationery used in class
  4. 11. delivery of material in the form of new learning
  5. 12. impact for the use of technology in the classroom
  6. 13. changes that allow students to use smartphones and laptops in class
  7. 15. young people know how to use technology
  8. 17. the era of the modern student population
  9. 18. electronic devices to deliver messages
  10. 19. teaching changes after smartphones and laptops
  11. 20. application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life
  1. 1. mobile technology that is oxften used by students
  2. 2. development of learning is more attractive to young people
  3. 3. writing tools before pen and paper
  4. 4. difficult antonyms
  5. 6. always involves grammatical errors, typos, blots, and so on
  6. 9. disadvantages when students are required to write very quickly
  7. 10. very closely related to education
  8. 14. tools used by students to facilitate typing in class
  9. 16. learning process after the use of technology