Text 14 - The modern bar and restaurant food menu

  1. 2. What type of class does this menu appeal to?
  2. 4. British Farm House
  3. 5. Tone of the text is
  4. 7. Directly addresses the reader
  5. 9. Prices, Ingredients, Headings
  6. 11. The style is
  7. 13. Collective Pronoun
  8. 14. Majority of sentences are
  9. 15. Apart from nouns, what other word types are used?
  1. 1. Most of the lexis is
  2. 3. Addition information shown in the Sunday lunch box
  3. 6. Persuading
  4. 8. Majority of sentences are
  5. 10. Amounts, Prices, Times
  6. 12. Name of the & symbol