TFA-Chapters 1-6

  1. 2. What okonkwo has a barn full of.
  2. 5. The name of okonkwo's hut.
  3. 7. Main character of Things Fall Apart.
  4. 11. What okonkwo has a shrine for.
  5. 13. How many years ago unoka died.
  6. 14. How many wives okonkwo has.
  1. 1. A village in Things Fall Apart.
  2. 3. A village within the area.
  3. 4. What okonkwo feared.
  4. 5. The neighbor who insisted unoka break the kola nut.
  5. 6. What unoka feared.
  6. 8. Author of Things Fall Apart.
  7. 9. The Father of Okonkwo.
  8. 10. The great wrestler who was unbeaten for 7 years.
  9. 12. How many children okonkwo has.