  1. 1. This is the stage where learning of language and the organization of experience in the syntaxic mode
  2. 3. Means love and charity.
  3. 5. She was born on January 30, 1923 in West Point, Lowa. She received Ana Jessie M. Scott award for her contributions to demonstrating the interrelationships among nursing practice, education and research.
  4. 6. It is caring, art, science, holistic and it is a helping profession.
  5. 8. This stage occurs five years or greater in the same are of nursing. It is when nurses progress more quickly.
  6. 9. This person has no background experience of the situation in which he or she is involved.
  7. 10. A specific to academia and refers to a branch of education, a department of learning, or a domain of knowledge.
  8. 11. Fact or state of being different; it can occur between cultures and within a cultural group.
  9. 15. Refers to the act that occurs when the nurse welcomes the patient to the caring communion.
  10. 16. Refers to a theory about a theory.
  11. 17. Epistemological view that “regards reason as the chief source and test of knowledge’ or any view appealing to reason as a source of knowledge or justification.
  12. 18. Soundness, freshness, and well being. It implies being whole in body , soul and spirit. It means as a pure concept wholeness and holiness.
  1. 1. Constitutes the context of the meaning of caring and is the structure that determines caring reality.
  2. 2. Nursing procedures were thought and practiced in a ward-like room called a “nursing arts” laboratory.
  3. 4. Pattern or models used to show a clear relationship among the existing theoretical works in nursing.
  4. 7. A body of knowledge that describes or explains nursing and is used to support nursing practice
  5. 12. Scientific knowledge can be derived only from sensory experience.
  6. 13. The beginning of nursing theory development can be traced to
  7. 14. It consist of the general laws that furnish the rational explanation of anything.