  1. 2. The theory of Lydia Hall?
  2. 3. Martha Roger’s Theory?
  3. 8. She used Henderson's 14 basic human needs to establish classification of the nursing problems.
  4. 9. Katie Erikkson’s theory?
  5. 11. It includes purpose, content and process, breaking down the “whole” and analyzing the parts.
  6. 13. In her metaparadigm of nursing, she defined person as an organism that lives in an unstable balance of a given system.
  7. 14. “First Lady of Nursing”/ “First Truly International Nurse”
  8. 16. She believes that health and disease are part of the same entity and are manifested in the pattern of the human being.
  9. 17. Callista Roy’s theory?
  10. 18. Theorist of Advance Nurse Practitioner’s COMPOSURE Behavior and Patient’s Wellness Outcome/ COMPOSURE Model
  11. 19. She is called as “the Lady with the Lamp” and constructed the Environmental Theory.
  12. 20. Rosemarie Rizzo Parse’s theory?
  1. 1. One of America’s foremost nursing theorists.
  2. 4. She defined nursing’s primary goal is to foster equilibrium within the individual, which allows for the practice of nursing individuals at any point in the health-illness continuum.
  3. 5. The theory of Dr. Letty G. Kuan?
  4. 6. She was the past president of the National League for Nursing.
  5. 7. She defined nursing as a learned humanistic and scientific profession and discipline which is focused on human care phenomena and activities in order to assist, support, facilitate, or enable individuals or groups to maintain and regain their well- being or health in culturally meaningful and beneficial ways, or to help people face or handicap or death.
  6. 10. In her metaparadigm in nursing, she defined health as “what can be assessed”.
  7. 12. The theorist of the Change Theory?
  8. 15. She is an expert in MS Nursing, subspecialty in Oncologic Nursing?