TG Phase 1 Module 2

  1. 1. An agent is also liable to _______ parties for damages resulting from any false or misleading statements knowingly made by the agent
  2. 4. Event outside of service provider's control that force service providers to change itineraries
  3. 9. To pay back
  4. 10. An example of an Act of God
  5. 12. a task that has to be completed
  6. 15. The South African National Biodiversity Institute
  7. 17. Area that tourists are not allowed to enter
  8. 18. South African National Parks
  9. 19. environmentally responsible travel to natural areas
  10. 21. South African Heritage Resources Agency
  11. 22. National Heritage Resource Act
  12. 24. New legislation is publicised in the Government________
  13. 25. an official and usually well-researched document issued by the government to lay out policy, or proposed action on a topic of current concern
  14. 26. a plan or a schedule with information about activities, time and location
  1. 2. a valuable, finite, non-renewable and irreplaceable resource, which must be carefully managed to ensure its survival
  2. 3. A specific section or paragraph in a contract
  3. 5. Taking cell phone calls while driving
  4. 6. South African Revenue Services
  5. 7. A form that is a legal document waving any responsibilities
  6. 8. a legal obligation to pay or compensate another party
  7. 11. Travellers need to be safe in the knowledge that they are covered for the misfortunes and inconvenience to which travelling can expose them.
  8. 13. South African Tour Operators Association
  9. 14. Something made by humans in the past
  10. 16. to pay a "fine"
  11. 20. This is paid when the client has traveled to the destination but had to return home early.
  12. 23. The side of the road that we drive on in South Africa