Th Solar System

  1. 2. Orbits planets, Mercury and Venus don't have one, smaller than planets
  2. 3. The hottest thing in the solar system, shoots out solar flares, planets orbit around it
  3. 4. Used to be a planet, a dwarf planet, orbits the Sun
  4. 5. Largest planet in the solar system, home to the "Giant Red Spot", starts the outer planets
  5. 8. In the asteroid belt, a very large rock, many hit the earth the earth
  6. 9. The hottest planet, it's atmosphere is made out of carbon dioxide, named Earths "Twin"
  7. 11. 2nd largest planet, lightest planet, in the outer planets family
  8. 12. Has the most violent weather, an icy planet, last planet
  1. 1. Called "Shooting Stars", very bright, in our solar system
  2. 3. System
  3. 6. We live in one, many others, billions and billions of miles long
  4. 7. Has no atmosphere, the smallest planet, closest to the Sun
  5. 10. Home to many volcanoes, 4th planet, looks like a big fire ball
  6. 13. It's rings orbit from top to bottom, ice planet, twins with Neptune
  7. 14. The only planet with life on it, blue with green on it, 3rd planet