Thanksgiving 2

  1. 1. Famous rock where the Mayflower landed
  2. 5. The season of Thanksgiving
  3. 6. The name of the Pilgrim's ship
  4. 8. The yield from plants in a single growing period
  5. 11. Main sport that is watched on Thanksgiving
  6. 14. These English settlers landed at Plymouth Rock
  7. 15. The fourth Thursday of November
  8. 16. Annual Thanksgiving event in New York City
  9. 18. This gets cooked inside the turkey
  10. 19. Another name for sweet potatoes
  11. 21. Thanksgiving is always celebrated in this month
  12. 23. Sound made by turkey
  13. 24. Thanksgiving is a time when family and _______ gather to give thanks
  1. 2. Remember what we are __________ for
  2. 3. What you do to a turkey before you eat it
  3. 4. Vegetables like baby cabbages, not from Belgium despite the name
  4. 7. Thanksgiving is always celebrated on this day
  5. 9. The main course at many Thanksgiving meals
  6. 10. Maize
  7. 12. This fruit is used to make red-jellied side dish
  8. 13. A dessert that often includes pumpkin or apple
  9. 15. What the holiday is about
  10. 17. Bright orange squash used to make pies
  11. 20. Horn of plenty
  12. 22. Country where pilgrims came from