
  1. 2. Another word for being grateful and appreciative
  2. 3. Who most people spend their Thanksgiving with
  3. 5. The main course of a Thanksgiving meal
  4. 6. A decorative centerpiece made of fruits, nuts, and other items
  5. 8. Who you call for your real estate needs
  6. 11. The month in which Thanksgiving is celebrated
  1. 1. A famous ship that brought the Pilgrims to America
  2. 3. A popular thing to watch on Thanksgiving afternoon
  3. 4. A popular thing to watch on Thanksgiving morning
  4. 6. A popular Thanksgiving side dish that’s on the tart side
  5. 7. Typically served for Thanksgiving dessert
  6. 9. A type of bread often served with Thanksgiving meals
  7. 10. A traditional Thanksgiving vegetable that's often mashed
  8. 11. What many people do after a big Thanksgiving meal