  1. 1. How many runners participated in America's first turkey trot?
  2. 6. One of the Native American names that were interpreters for the pilgrims.
  3. 7. Pilgrims settled in _________ Massachusetts.
  4. 8. "I am ________ for my friends and family."
  5. 11. Where does the Macy's Day parade take place?
  6. 13. Who were the first settlers from England?
  7. 14. What is the giant parade during Thanksgiving?
  8. 15. What do people eat for Thanksgiving?
  9. 16. What is the large orange vegetable?
  10. 18. What day is Thanksgiving?
  11. 19. What is the outside part of a pie?
  12. 22. What is the month of Thanksgiving?
  13. 23. What is the season we celebrate Thanksgiving?
  1. 1. What the turkey is filled with.
  2. 2. What is the best part of Thanksgiving?
  3. 3. Americans eat mashed ________ or sweet _________ for Thanksgiving.
  4. 4. What is the busiest day of November for stores?
  5. 5. A favorite sport to watch on Thanksgiving day.
  6. 9. Thanksgiving is an important American _________.
  7. 10. How women were at the very first Thanksgiving celebration?
  8. 12. The pilgrims crossed the __________ ocean.
  9. 13. Where pilgrims first stepped foot on land.
  10. 17. Name of the pilgrim's ship.
  11. 20. What gender of turkey's only gobble?
  12. 21. What sound do turkeys make?