
  1. 2. A yellow vegetable you can eat on or off the cob.
  2. 4. The sport that is famously played on thanksgiving.
  3. 6. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day ___________ is on tv each thanksgiving.
  4. 7. Grateful. Full of thanks.
  5. 9. A sauce made from the turkey juices.
  6. 11. Celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the pilgrims.
  7. 15. A dessert made from a pumpkin.
  8. 16. Came to the US on the Mayflower. Celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the Native Americans
  9. 19. The day of the week that thanksgiving is on.
  1. 1. What a turkey says.
  2. 3. The best thanksgiving side (according to Mrs. Shorey).
  3. 5. What you want to do after you eat turkey.
  4. 8. A big celebratory meal.
  5. 10. The most popular pie in America.
  6. 12. The meat most people eat on Thanksgiving.
  7. 13. Bread that goes with your meal.
  8. 14. A red jelly-like sauce made from a fruit.
  9. 17. What you fill the turkey with.
  10. 18. Who you spend the day with on Thanksgiving.