
  1. 2. Horn-shaped basket that you can put food inside of.
  2. 5. What the president gives to one of the main animals every year, sparing its life.
  3. 11. President that constitutionalized Thanksgiving.
  4. 13. Season that Thanksgiving falls in.
  5. 14. Thing that you can watch around Thanksgiving time.
  6. 15. Main animal that is eaten at a Thanksgiving feast.
  7. 16. Fall-themed apple-based drink.
  8. 17. Red, warty mass on a male bird's chin.
  1. 1. Bread-like substance that people put inside of the main animal.
  2. 3. Type of sauce often served at Thanksgiving.
  3. 4. What turkeys say.
  4. 6. Type of pie that people often make for Thanksgiving.
  5. 7. Meat that Dad loves honey-baked.
  6. 8. Company that puts on a Thanksgiving parade in New York.
  7. 9. Should preparing for Christmas come before or after Thanksgiving (There's only one right answer...)?
  8. 10. The name of the Thanksgiving show at school.
  9. 12. Day of the week that Thanksgiving always falls on.