
  1. 3. President who ordered Thanksgiving as a holiday
  2. 4. President who declared two Thanksgivings in one year
  3. 7. Main source of protein in present time
  4. 8. President who held first Thanksgiving
  5. 10. Month in which Canada celebrates Thanksgiving on the 2nd Monday
  6. 11. City where Santa Claus gets the key to the city at the end of the Thanksgiving parade
  7. 12. Male turkey
  8. 13. Ship in which settlers came to the New World
  9. 14. President who pardoned first turkey at White House
  10. 16. Type of pie preferred by Americans vs Pumpkin
  11. 18. City with the oldest Thanksgiving Day parade
  12. 19. Original month when thanks was given
  13. 20. Native American who translated for settlers
  1. 1. Female turkey
  2. 2. Enacted Thanksgiving on the 4th Thursday in November
  3. 5. Founding Father who referred to turkeys as "a bird of courage"
  4. 6. Tart fruit topping
  5. 9. Current month to celebrate giving of thanks
  6. 15. Alternative meat to turkey for Thanksgiving
  7. 17. Northern State forecasted among 6 in the USA to produce most turkeys
  8. 19. Statistically the most favorite side dish for Americans during Thanksgiving