
  1. 2. Male or Female, which turkeys gobble?
  2. 4. What seafood was served at first Thanksgiving?
  3. 6. Volume of air in the hoseline is measured in?
  4. 9. When was the first NFL Thanksgiving game? 19___
  5. 11. What state consumes the most turkey at Thanksgiving?
  6. 12. Statistically, what is America's favorite side dish?
  7. 15. Black Friday is the biggest day for what trade profession?
  8. 17. Which president made Thanksgiving a national holiday?
  9. 18. What meat is the most popular alternative to turkey?
  10. 20. What workout equipment does capt. hate?
  1. 1. Which president refused to celebrate Thanksgiving as a national holiday?
  2. 3. Main topic of conversation at the station is? emoji
  3. 5. What does capt. hate to walk up and down on?
  4. 7. In pounds, how much does the average turkey weigh?
  5. 8. In what month did the first Thanksgiving take place?
  6. 10. How many days was the first Thanksgiving celebration?
  7. 13. How many women were at the first Thanksgiving?
  8. 14. Amount of water discharged from the nozzle is measured in?
  9. 16. When was the first Thanksgiving football game? 187__
  10. 19. Americans prefer apple or pumpkin pie?