
  1. 1. the most traditional Thanksgiving pie
  2. 4. the day after Thanksgiving: _________ Friday
  3. 6. the most important food of Thanksgiving dinner
  4. 8. a sport that people watch after Thanksgiving dinner
  5. 10. Thanksgiving is a day to spend time with your __________
  6. 11. a group of people who came to America in 1620
  7. 14. a vegetable that you eat “on the cob”
  8. 17. a red sauce made from fruit that people eat with turkey: __________ sauce
  1. 2. In the U.S., Thanksgiving is celebrated during this month.
  2. 3. on Thanksgiving morning, many people watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day ___________
  3. 5. a type of food made from small pieces of bread, cooked inside a turkey
  4. 7. The first Thanksgiving dinner was shared between the Pilgrims and the Native _________________.
  5. 9. a popular Thanksgiving side dish: green _____________
  6. 12. the name of the ship that brought the Pilgrims to America
  7. 13. a popular side dish at Thanksgiving dinner: mashed ____________
  8. 15. a brown sauce made from the juices of a cooked turkey
  9. 16. when you say a prayer before eating, it is called saying ___________