  1. 2. Saying what you are thankful for
  2. 5. Day of the week Thanksgiving is always on
  3. 8. The Indians grew this and taught the Pilgrims how to grow it
  4. 10. A Ship that the Pilgrims came to America on
  5. 11. A red berry traditional Thanksgiving Food
  6. 13. They came to America on Mayflower
  7. 14. Made out of bread
  8. 16. Pie Dessert Made from Pumpkin
  9. 17. The trip on the Mayflower that the pilgrims took
  1. 1. The meal prepared at Thanksgiving
  2. 2. The customs of Thanksgiving such as turkey, cranberries A red berry cooked in a sauce usually
  3. 3. New York City has this on Thanksgiving Day
  4. 4. The month Thanksgiving is celebrated
  5. 6. Native Americans at The First Thanksgiving
  6. 7. American November Holiday
  7. 9. Where Pilgrims Landed
  8. 12. What you are thankful for
  9. 15. Thanksgiving meat in America