
  1. 4. What yellow vegetable is often served for Thanksgiving?
  2. 5. These colors symbolize Thanksgiving brown, yellow and ____.
  3. 6. A place where the turkey is cooked.
  4. 8. The bottom part of the pie is the _____.
  5. 10. This kind of pie is a traditional Thanksgiving dessert.
  6. 12. This is usually cooked inside the turkey.
  7. 14. In what month do we celebrate Thanksgiving?
  8. 15. ______ Americans celebrated with the Pilgrims.
  9. 16. Most people like to put this on their mashed potatoes.
  10. 17. Thanksgiving is celebrated during this season.
  1. 1. What group of people were part of the first Thanksgiving?
  2. 2. What President declared Thanksgiving a national holiday in 1863?
  3. 3. Thanksgiving is a day when we celebrate things for which we are ______________.
  4. 7. This red fruit or berry is often served for Thanksgiving.
  5. 9. What food is traditionally part of the main course for Thanksgiving?
  6. 11. This is used to carve the turkey.
  7. 13. On Thanksgiving many people watch this on tv.