
  1. 2. thanksgiving is celebrated on the 4th ______ of November
  2. 4. they pop it at the cinema
  3. 6. the people who colonized America
  4. 9. season of the year before winter (US)
  5. 10. something you do every year at the same period
  6. 11. a very big meal
  7. 13. pleased for what you have
  8. 15. like a fruit jelly for turkey
  9. 16. the continent Christopher Columbus went to
  10. 18. first people in America
  1. 1. the traditional dessert of Thanksgiving
  2. 3. a day with no school
  3. 5. day after Thanksgiving when everything in the shops is on sale
  4. 7. the food that is in the turkey
  5. 8. the name of the pilgrims' boat
  6. 9. composed of your parents, brothers and sisters
  7. 12. the traditional meat of Thanksgiving
  8. 14. result of smashing vegetables used to make chips
  9. 16. season of the year before winter (UK)
  10. 17. a sort of basket with fruits and vegetables