
  1. 5. Thanksgiving is an American .......
  2. 6. thanksgiving is celebrated on the last .....of November.
  3. 10. The traditional meal consists of..........sauce.
  4. 12. The Pilgrims left Britain on a small ship called the .......
  5. 14. country the Pilgrims left behind.
  6. 15. the next year The pilgrims had an excellent .....
  7. 16. a large,celebratory meal
  8. 18. The Pilgrims left Great Britain in 1620 because of...... persecution.
  9. 19. .......pie is the dessert on Thanksgiving.
  10. 20. The pilgrims' ........ across the ocean in 1620 was a difficult one.
  1. 1. the traditional Thanksgiving meal consists of roast ......
  2. 2. The pilgrims and the ..........Americans soon became friends.
  3. 3. Americans say ...........for everything
  4. 4. autumn in American English
  5. 7. it fills up the bird and then fills up the people
  6. 8. a procession of bands, floats and people
  7. 9. The Indians showed the Pilgrims how to.....crops.
  8. 11. All families have a huge meal for that special .......
  9. 13. families and ............get together on that day
  10. 17. People feel .............for everything they have in their life