Thanksgiving Crossword

  1. 3. Pumpkin Pie is by a wide margin NOT America’s favorite Thanksgiving pie. What is?
  2. 5. Most perilous method of turkey preparation
  3. 8. Filled with all the delicious fruits and vegetables that you collected during your harvest
  4. 11. Silly, funny or not cool
  5. 13. A state of sleep or extreme lethargy induced by the consumption of a large amount of food
  6. 14. First settlement in America
  7. 15. long-established
  8. 18. This Christmas song was originally a Thanksgiving song
  9. 19. Declared Thanksgiving as National Holiday in 1863
  10. 20. Length of first Thanksgiving
  11. 22. Contrary to popular belief, this food was not eaten at the first Thanksgiving
  12. 23. There weren’t any of these at the first Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
  1. 1. This dish originated as a hollowed out pumpkin shell with milk, honey and spices, baked in hot ashes
  2. 2. Resort to this if you encounter Thanksgiving protein indecision
  3. 4. According to a 2015 Harris Poll, Americans believe this is the best part of Thanksgiving
  4. 6. Brought the first settlers to the 'New World' in 1620
  5. 7. plentiful
  6. 9. Successful in material terms; flourishing financially
  7. 10. The full moon that is seen nearest to the time of the autumnal equinox
  8. 12. Only male turkeys do this
  9. 15. This was invented in 1953 as a result of a Swanson employee ordering too much turkey for Thanksgiving (260 tons too much)
  10. 16. This famous children’s show character’s costume is made of turkey feathers dyed yellow
  11. 17. The liver, heart, gizzard, and neck of a chicken or other fowl, usually removed before the bird is cooked, and often used to make gravy, stuffing, or soup
  12. 21. President Calvin Coolidge famously received this as a Thanksgiving gift