Thanksgiving Traditions for 4-2

  1. 4. My family likes to watch the Macy's parade in the morning; we also eat turkey, with gravy, stuffing, and more at my grandparents' house.
  2. 5. In the morning, we always clean and when we're done with that my mom bakes the dessert.
  3. 6. We eat and my aunt comes over so we watch the Macy's parade.
  4. 8. On Thanksgiving, my whole family comes to our house; we eat dinner and after dinner we watch a movie.
  5. 12. We watch the Macy's parade and have a feast.
  6. 15. My family comes to my house; then we eat a snack and then watch a movie.
  7. 17. We go to my aunt's house to eat and play games.
  8. 18. My family goes to my aunt's house and we all cook dinner; we sit at the table and eat.
  9. 19. My family and I go to a buffet to celebrate Thanksgiving.
  10. 20. My mom, dad, 4 sisters, and I have all the rest of my family come from all over.
  1. 1. On Thanksgiving, my family and I watch the Macy's Thanksgiving parade.
  2. 2. My family has Thanksgiving dinner; we play games and watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.
  3. 3. I celebrate Thanksgiving by going to my cousin's house and eat turkey; or we go to my grandma's house or my house.
  4. 4. My brother and I watch and play football.
  5. 7. On Thanksgiving, we invite all of my family over for a Thanksgiving dinner.
  6. 9. We have Thanksgiving at my house so we invite our family over and have dinner.
  7. 10. We get food; then we invite some of my family.
  8. 11. On Thanksgiving, my family and I go to my grandma's house to eat and celebrate.
  9. 13. My family and I meet up at our house, gather around and eat, plus we say our thanks.
  10. 14. My family and grandparents play games and watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade; sometimes my cousins come over my house and sleep over.
  11. 16. On Thanksgiving, we stay home and play games.
  12. 18. My family likes to talk about what it was like for the pilgrims by reading a book.