Thanksgiving Trivia

  1. 5. Part of the turkey that is saved and snapped as a superstitious good luck custom
  2. 6. Baby turkeys
  3. 7. Most turkeys produced in this state
  4. 9. Famously campaigned for the creation of the American holiday known as Thanksgiving
  5. 11. First Thanksgiving football game was started in 1934 by this team
  6. 12. Captain of the Mayflower
  7. 14. Colony in Virginia founded by Captain John Smith
  8. 16. Another name for the pilgrims
  9. 17. Name of the ship the pilgrims came over on
  10. 18. Dangling skin under a turkey's neck
  11. 19. Greek Goddess of Corn
  12. 20. Month Thanksgiving is celebrated in Canada
  1. 1. First department store to hold a Thanksgiving parade
  2. 2. First balloon in the 1927 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
  3. 3. This President moved Thanksgiving up one week to help stimulate the Christmas shopping economy
  4. 4. Horn of Plenty
  5. 8. Chief of the Wampanoag tribe who were the Indians invited to the Thanksgiving feast
  6. 10. Most cranberries produced in this state
  7. 13. Name of the famous rock credited to where the pilgrims first landed
  8. 15. Longest balloon in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade