Thanksgiving Vibes

  1. 3. What do a lot of people do after Thanksgiving dinner?
  2. 11. What department store sponsors a large parade in New York City every Thanksgiving morning?
  3. 13. In ______, Texas, and North Carolina there are towns named Turkey.
  4. 15. A group of domesticated turkeys is called a ______.
  5. 16. Only _______ turkeys gobble.
  6. 17. What do you call the Y-shaped bone is removed from the turkey and split between two people for good luck?
  7. 19. Thanksgiving is held on the fourth ______ of November each year
  8. 21. Benjamin ________ wanted the turkey to be the national bird (instead of the bald eagle)
  9. 22. Another tradition on Thanksgiving Day is to watch what sport?
  10. 26. The original Thanksgiving lasted _____ days.
  11. 27. The Pilgrims were _______, a strict sect of Protestants.
  12. 28. President _______ made Thanksgiving an official holiday.
  13. 30. A word that describes an action or connects to parts of a sentence (like "to be")
  14. 31. What tart berry is typically eaten or drank on Thanksgiving?
  15. 32. What meat is typically served on Thanksgiving?
  1. 1. It is traditional for the president to _______ a turkey on the holiday.
  2. 2. It takes an average of 9.6 _____ for a host to prepare a full Thanksgiving meal.
  3. 4. The settlers lived in ______ Colony.
  4. 5. A ripe cranberries will ________.
  5. 6. A ______ conjunction connects two independent clauses.
  6. 7. The earliest turkeys evolved in North America over 20 ________ years ago.
  7. 8. What do we call the major shopping day that happens after Thanksgiving?
  8. 9. Roughly 65 percent of Americans would like an alternative to _______ as their meat for Thanksgiving
  9. 10. This Christmas song was actually written for Thanksgiving.
  10. 12. An average American may consume a whopping 4,500 _____ on Thanksgiving Day
  11. 14. Green ______ casserole is considered the least favorite side dish.
  12. 16. The Pilgrims came over on a ship named "The _____."
  13. 18. The day after Thanksgiving is busiest for _____.
  14. 20. What utensil had not been invented during the first Thanksgiving?
  15. 23. The Wampanoag ______ lived in North America for over 12,000 years.
  16. 24. ______ potatoes are the most popular side dish.
  17. 25. A person, place, thing, or idea
  18. 29. Around 50 million pumpkin _____ are consumed every Thanksgiving.