
  1. 1. We celebrate thanksgiving with a _ _ _ _ _.
  2. 4. How we prepare the food.
  3. 6. Horn of plenty.
  4. 7. What we say to family on Thanksgiving.
  5. 8. Who we celebrate the holiday with.
  6. 12. Boat the Pilgrams came on.
  7. 14. What you watch the morning of Thanksgiving.
  8. 15. Another name for the pilgrams.
  9. 17. Shared with the indians on the first Thanksgiving.
  10. 18. The Country we live in.
  1. 2. Things we do every year on Thanksgiving.
  2. 3. Where the pilgrams settled.
  3. 4. Things we are thankful for.
  4. 5. The bird of the table.
  5. 6. What we do during Thanksgiving.
  6. 9. Shared with the pilgrams on the first Thanksgiving.
  7. 10. Food similar to sweet potatoes.
  8. 11. Food served at thanksgiving.
  9. 13. Usually watched on Thanksgiving day after the parade.
  10. 16. What the pilgrams and indians did.