
  1. 3. The town the Pilgrims founded
  2. 7. Turkey alternative at Thanksgiving meal
  3. 8. It grows into an oak
  4. 10. A horn of plenty
  5. 11. s Pumpkin pie and apple pie, for example
  6. 13. Three consecutive strikes in bowling
  7. 15. The ship that brought the Pilgrims
  8. 19. This NFL team has played on every Thanksgiving day since 1945.
  9. 21. The Native American who helped the settlers’ crops to to grow
  10. 22. The only “word” a turkey knows (it’s also what hungry people do to their food)
  11. 24. The month of Thanksgiving
  12. 26. Stores advertise cheap items for sale called “Door ____.”
  13. 27. “Over the river and through the ____ to Grandmother’s house we go.”
  1. 1. The English emigrants who celebrated the first Thanksgiving
  2. 2. The turkey leg
  3. 4. The president who declared a national day of Thanksgiving during the dark days of the Civil War
  4. 5. On Thanksgiving, potatoes are served not fried, not baked, but _____
  5. 6. It’s big and orange and hangs low in the sky
  6. 9. The sport America watches on Thanksgiving
  7. 12. The day of the week that Thanksgiving falls upon
  8. 14. The local charity that provides Thanksgiving meals to needy families
  9. 16. Whoever breaks the bigger piece gets good luck.
  10. 17. The red Thanksgiving fruit that is made into jelly.
  11. 18. The busiest shopping day of the year
  12. 20. A bread casserole or the filling for a Teddy Bear
  13. 23. Mashed potatoes aren’t complete without this topping!
  14. 25. The meat of a deer