The 12 Apostles Plus

  1. 3. born in bethsaida; friends with Nathaniel/Bartholomew
  2. 5. brother of John; called a "son of thunder"; a fisherman
  3. 6. friend of philip; died a gruesome death
  4. 9. known as "doubting"; helped build a church
  5. 10. also known as "jude"
  6. 12. Peter's brother; a fisherman; crucified in the shape of an X
  1. 1. sometimes called "the less"; prayed so much his knees hurt
  2. 2. also called "the zealot"; preached in Africa
  3. 3. the one Jesus called the rock and the first pope
  4. 4. replaced judas as the 12th disciple
  5. 5. betrayed Jesus; hung himself
  6. 7. tax collector; Jesus said "follow me" to him; gospel writer
  7. 8. youngest apostle; gospel writer; often shown with his head on Jesus' shoulder
  8. 11. what the 4 gospel writers are called