The 12 Steps Puzzle

  1. 1. Last word of step 3
  2. 3. Mad a searching and ________ moral inventory
  3. 6. What we make for Step 8
  4. 7. Admitted to God, ourselves and another ______ being
  5. 8. Quiet introspection
  6. 10. John __________ as mentioned on page 30
  7. 11. In step 10 we take a personal ___________
  8. 13. The floundering founders could not admit the state of their ________
  9. 16. _________ and meditation
  10. 18. Another name for the one who won't believe as in step 2
  11. 19. Not aided
  12. 20. Step 1 deals with un-manageability and ___________
  13. 22. The kind of awakening we have
  14. 24. Looking for
  1. 1. Ready to have God remove all these _______ of character
  2. 2. Made a _______ to turn our lives and will over
  3. 4. Who cares to admit complete ___________?
  4. 5. The last word of step 2
  5. 7. Upon entering AA we soon take quite another view of this absolute _______
  6. 9. step 4 consists of ________ pages
  7. 12. Humbly asked Him to remove our __________
  8. 14. First word of step 3
  9. 15. What step 4 deals with - our ______
  10. 17. In A.A. we have the 12 Steps and the 12 __________
  11. 21. Came to believe that a HP could restore us to _________
  12. 23. Making right what was wrong as in step 9
  13. 25. the 12 steps are said to ________ the obsession to drink