The 18 Best Shark Tank Pitches of All Time

  1. 1. smartphone-operated breathalyzer
  2. 4. Seafood delivery service
  3. 7. Semi-conical device that farmers can use to conserve water around trees
  4. 8. Line of skincare products
  5. 9. Hands-free video app
  6. 11. Holeless belts that benefit microlending in Kiva
  7. 13. Gloves with LED lights in the fingertips
  8. 15. Single-serve wine
  9. 16. Horror attraction company
  10. 17. Magnetic clips for glasses
  1. 1. Boneless, pre-cooked ribs
  2. 2. Stuffed bagels
  3. 3. Smartphone-activated lock system
  4. 5. Scratch-free smiley-faced sponges
  5. 6. Foldable lamps
  6. 10. Flavored lip balms
  7. 12. Neon-colored, boxed fruit wine
  8. 14. Cat toilet training kit