The 4 Piece Chicken Nugget Meal

  1. 4. the following day.
  2. 6. having or growing hair in a tuft or tufts.
  3. 9. (of a person or animal) not easily upset or excited.
  4. 11. of or associated with the underworld.
  5. 15. look keenly or with difficulty at someone or something
  6. 17. (of a person's face) pale, typically because of poor health.
  7. 20. beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something.
  8. 21. charm or enchant (someone), sometimes in a deceptive way.
  9. 23. contemplate or dwell on one's own success or another's misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure.
  10. 24. heavily loaded or weighed down.
  11. 25. dull, bleak, and lifeless; depressing.
  1. 1. drink (something, especially an alcoholic drink) heartily.
  2. 2. a violent windy storm.
  3. 3. of long ago or former times (used in nostalgic or mock-nostalgic recollection).
  4. 5. having a dignified, unhurried, and grand manner; majestic in manner and appearance.
  5. 7. a drug described in Homer's Odyssey as banishing grief or trouble from a person's mind
  6. 8. a structure consisting of strips of wood or metal crossed and fastened together with square or diamond-shaped spaces left between, used as a screen or fence or as a support for climbing plants.
  7. 10. made of silk
  8. 12. in a manner that is appropriate or suitable in the circumstances.
  9. 13. a long, soft feather or arrangement of feathers used by a bird for display or worn by a person for ornament.
  10. 14. not intimidated or discouraged by difficulty, danger, or disappointment.
  11. 16. very holy or virtuous.
  12. 18. a lament for the dead, especially one forming part of a funeral rite.
  13. 19. It seems to me.
  14. 22. be filled with wonder or astonishment.